Wei's Dev Journal


"Architecture is a reflection of society."
-- Henry Adams, Architect.

To me, Tech architectures for DevOps, cloud, software, data, etc
are just like building architecture. They are designed and evolved
in the way how we utilise them and live with them.

There are so many architectural opportunities in tech regardless big or small. Through this portfolio journal, I am looking forward to sharing with you my tech journey and exploring the creativity with you.

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My Dev Journey

Recent Works

Cloud Infrastructure

Azure, gcp and aws. The multi-clouds solution and architecture.

Automation CI/CD

Azure, gcp and aws. The multi-clouds solution and architecture.

Full-stack Development

Azure, gcp and aws. The multi-clouds solution and architecture.

Data Analytics

Azure, gcp and aws. The multi-clouds solution and architecture.

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The Dev Stories

My latest blogs



Party in the front, Business in the Back!

I built "Wei's Dev Journal" as a platform to showcase tech achievements and learning. Transitioning from architecture to tech, I explore backend and frontend integration through building my website as my first full-stack project. Joining me on this exciting journey and let's explore the possibilities together!




Cloud-Serving is Fundamental!

My reflection and take-away from th 3 fundamental level Microsoft accreditations. - AZ900, MS900, PL900

Comming Soon



My first CI/CD toy and I love it!

My reflection on using Terraform to deploy cloud resources and I am falling in love with it.

Comming Soon



Imagine Civil engineering on Steroid!

Openshift is Civil engineering on Steroid! My reflection and take-away from the Red Hat Openshift fundamental training.

Comming Soon



Smart City Study - Pollution & Cloud IOT

This article focuses on the critical impact of motorcycle mobility on smart city development in Taipei Metropolitan Area, addressing pollution emissions and irresponsible motorcyclist behavior as key issues for sustainable smart city progress.

Comming Soon

Open to Work

Pivoting from 15 years in architecture and diving into a new career with a passion for tech, I am keen to developing skills and experiences in providing services to businesses needing cloud, DevOps, full-stack design & digital transformation solutions.

With hands-on experiences of using Automation tools, cloud platforms as well as implementing design thinking and user engagement, I'm seeking entry-level opportunities in DevOps, full-stack development and digital architecture for business to apply my diverse skills, problem-solving enthusiasm and drive innovation.